Sunday, July 26, 2009

View From The Ivanhoe

So, I'm here in wonderful, smelly, great from the ground up, Greeley Colorado. I am living in an apartment building downtown. It's not a really bad building, there ARE some good people in it. It's just that when something major breaks down it takes a long time to repair it. I am disabled, I have COPD. Some people say that is not really a disability because for the most part it is self-induced by smoking tobacco. Regardless, I have COPD along with a number of other things wrong with me, and I live on the 3rd floor of a 4 story building. It is (or should I say WAS) elevated and I really enjoyed my time in that apartment. Back in May the management shut the elevator down because someone was urinating in it. It has not been turned on yet. Now the excuse is that it is not up to code because it lacks a telephone in case it gets stuck. I managed with climbing the stairs for awhile but I was hospitalized back in the end of June with heart problems and decided I needed to move. Thankfully, there was a basement apartment available and I am in the process of moving down there as I type. With no elevator it IS rather difficult. I had to bring my bed down in 4 trips. I have until next Saturday to get my old place emptied out and cleaned up. Hopefully I will have some helpers this week who will carry my 7 foot long couch, and my 200 pound OLD microwave. Those are the 2 biggest things I own. Well, that's all for now. I just felt like venting a little.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure you will have some help! You got some good people around ya.

    Bill McMicheals- Bill in NC/
